Plain and simple: The capitalised earnings method in accordance with sections 27-34 ImmoWertV calculates the expected market price of a real estate on the basis of the expected net income using a calculation interest rate called the property interest rate, taking into account the remaining useful life of the property, the land value and special property-specific adjustments.
The capitalised earnings method according to ImmoWertV has three forms: the general capitalised earnings method according to § 28 ImmoWertV, the simplified capitalised earnings method according to § 29 ImmoWertV and the periodic capitalised earnings method according to ImmoWertV § 30. All three methods can be mathematically converted into one another. (The formulae are defined in § 34 ImmoWertV).
Firstly, the net income according to § 31 Para. 1 ImmoWertV is described. The net income results from the gross rent in accordance with § 31 Para. 2 ImmoWertV less the operating costs (§ 32 ImmoWertV). The operating costs are made up of the administration costs, the maintenance costs, the expected loss of rent and the operating costs in accordance with Section 556 BGB. A description can be found in Appendix 3 ImmoWertV. It is important to adjust the data to the consumer price index (§ 9 ImmoWertV para. 1).
The calculation interest rate for the capitalised earnings method in accordance with the ImmoWertV is called the property interest rate. This property interest rate is to be determined on a property-specific basis in accordance with § 33 ImmoWertV and must be applied consistently in the respective calculation (§§ 28-29, 30 Para. 3 ImmoWertV).
In the general capitalised earnings method in accordance with § 28 ImmoWertV, the provisional capitalised earnings value of the buildings is calculated from the capitalised net income (§§ 31-32 ImmoWertV) less the interest on the land over the remaining useful life.
In the simplified capitalised earnings method in accordance with § 29 ImmoWertV, the provisional capitalised earnings value is calculated from the capitalised net income over the remaining useful life and the discounted land value on the valuation date after the remaining useful life.
The periodic capitalised earnings method in accordance with § 30 ImmoWertV allows the discounting of a period-specific net income for a maximum observation period of 10 years (§ 30 Para. 2 ImmoWertV) and a present value of a net income for the remaining useful life after the observation period. In addition, at the end of the remaining useful life, the land value is discounted to the valuation date.
In accordance with section 27(3) ImmoWertV, the provisional capitalised earnings value equals the market-adjusted capitalised earnings value.
This market-adjusted capitalised earnings value is again subject to special property-specific adjustments.
capitalised earnings value = market-adjusted capitalised earnings value ± land adjustment ± building adjustment